Monday, January 17, 2011

So, for my first topic of discussion...

I've decided to provide you all with a video of one of my Top 10 favorite cars...ever. And that's not something I will say very often.

Personally, I think this is one of the greatest exhaust noises... of all time. Too bad it's not legal for the street. Opinions welcome, please discuss in the comment box.


  1. Hello i have also had a blog for a good bit of time! i make great outlines and templates for blogs! if you just click on me you can go to it! I did follow you my name is Knoxes and id be happy to see you around. Also i would be glad to make you a template/title for your blog. yet you might have to give me a shorter title im not sure if i can fit all of it on a template! But any ways you can comment on my blog or contact me


    Knoxes- hope to see you some time in the universe!

  2. Hey Knoxes! Thanks for commenting and for following my blog. I'll visit yours as well!

    The title is actually not the finalized title, hehe. I'm still working on it.

    See you around, Knoxes!


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